
+1 341 333 9616

2801 Cherry Street, Berkeley 94705 CA


University of California, Berkeley — Berkeley, USA

Ph.D., Haas School of Business (Business and Public Policy) (2021 - )

Sciences Po — Paris, France

M.A. in Economics (2016 - 2019)

B.A. in Economics (2013 - 2016)

Research Interests

Public Economics

Political Economy

Historical Economics

Development Economics


Trust in Scientists in Times of Pandemic: Panel Evidence from 12 Countries

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 118, n° 40, October. 2021.

with Yann Algan, Daniel Cohen, Martial Foucault, and Stefanie Stantcheva.


2024 UC Berkeley Economic History Seminar, UC Berkeley Public Finance Seminar, UC Berkeley BPP Student Seminar, Stanford Bay Area Student Economic History Workshop, CESifo Venice Summer Institute, International Institute of Public Finance, BU-NHH Tax Reading Group, Harvard Labor/PF Workshop, Paris Economics of Taxation Workshop

2023 World Bank/IFS/ODI Tax Conference, EU Tax Observatory, UC Berkeley Public Finance Seminar, UC Berkeley BPP Student Seminar

2021 World Bank Annual Bank Conference on Development Economic Conference

Awards & Grants

Network for a New Political Economy Research Grant, $5,000 USD — (2024)

Network for a New Political Economy Research Grant, $5,000 USD — (2023)

Sciences Po’s Best Master Thesis in Economics— Paris (2019)

Teaching Experience

Economics Department, UC Berkeley — Berkeley, USA

Global Inequality and Growth (Fall 2022, Spring 2024)

Prof. Jakob Miethe, Prof. Morten St.stad

Public Economics (Spring 2023)

Prof. Emmanuel Saez

Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley Berkeley, USA

Strategic Leadership (MBA) (Fall 2023)

Prof. Cailin Slattery

Conference Organization

Development and Political Economics SF Bay Area — Stanford, USA

Ph.D. Student Conference (2024)

Research Experience

R.A. for Pierre Bachas & Anders Jensen — Washington D.C., USA

World Bank & Harvard Kennedy School (2019 – 2021)

R.A. for Yann Algan — Paris, France

Sciences Po (2018 - 2019)

R.A. for Bob Rijkers — Washington D.C., USA

World Bank (2017 – 2018)

Policy Publications

Economic Council of the French Prime Minister (CAE)

Confiance dans les scientifiques par temps de crise

Focus CAE, (68). (2021)

with Algan Yann, Daniel Cohen, Martial Foucault, and Stefanie Stantcheva

Local determinants of discontent: statistical analysis at the communal level

Focus CAE, (39). (2020)

with Etienne Fize and Clément Malgouyres.



French (native), English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), Italian (intermediate), Arabic (notions)


Stata, R, Python, Github, LaTeX